Esta entrada conmemora el 60 aniversario de la Independencia del Estado de Israel".La idea inicial era traducirles la emotiva carta de Zipporah Porath que cuelga Ami Isserof En su articulo "A Country is born", dedicado a conmemorar la Independencia.
Zippy( Zippora o Séfora en español)
escribió una serie de cartas, documentos que hoy tienen gran valor por que reflejan el clima de esperanza, pero también de angustia que precedió la declaración de independencia posterior a la resolución de la ONU aprobando la particición en dos estados de la Palestina británica
Apreciarán además dos sellos con valor documental. El estado no tuvo nombre hasta el día 15 de Mayo de 1948. Por eso el gobierno de Jerusalén emitió esos dos sellos con la inscripción ·”Medinat a Yehudim- estado de los judíos”
Esta es la carta que escribio a su familia:
May 15, 1948
Dearest Family,
It's the most incongruous and inexplicable feeling. I'm sitting with our soldiers, listening all hearts and ears to the proceedings at the UN Security Council over a broken down battery radio -- trying to find out who will recognize our new State. The room is lit only by a small kerosene lamp which throws eerie shadows on the wall and plays havoc with the imagination.
The voices fade in and out, the static is maddening and it is hard to hear who is speaking. At the moment, the "Representative from Canada" is saying something stupid -- it's difficult to catch more than a word here or there -- so I'll use his time to write a few words ....which may never reach you.
Awareness of the full impact of the significance of this day has been somewhat lost to me in the immensity of rapidly developing events that have gripped Jerusalem. The British are actually leaving. We are fighting desperately to take over their strongholds before the Arabs do. For the last three days we have been on full alert and this is ZERO HOUR.
We are waiting impatiently for the return of the contingents of boys dispatched for today's engagements. Many dear friends are among them. Somehow, that seems more important to me than what the "Gentleman from Canada" is jabbering about -- or is it the Egyptian now?
Egypt. Oh, yes. They are invading rapidly to assure "peace and order."
The faces around me relaxed a bit after hearing that America had recognized OUR STATE. I feel a bit redeemed. Everyone in the room pivoted around to look at me as if I had had something to do with the decision.
What am I doing here? I'm in charge of the first-aid post which has been whitened and brightened for the gruesome business it anticipates. The stretcher bearers are squatting nearby. One of them, a boy with dark curly hair, is resting his head against my knees and looking past the ceiling to the future. Everything we have is ready -- blankets, bandages, a bit of cognac, ready for... we don't know what. This afternoon, it was heavy mortar fire, 25 pounders or more. Tonight, it may be air bombardment.
When I first donned these overalls and learned to sleep with my boots on and one ear open, I felt like a character out of a Hemingway novel; a partisan -- one girl for every hundred men. Now, I'm into the role completely.
We are completely cut off. No mail service out of Jerusalem, but writing eases the anxiety of waiting and worrying. How many of our boys will make it back tonight?
I wish we could know what is going on. So close and so far from the overall picture....
Pero no solo la premura del tiempo, sino el espiritu intencionadamente festivo me hacen cambiar el rumbo. La traducción tendrá que esperar .
Esta entrada también está dedicada a los amigos de Israel, bien escaso en este país, pero de extraordinario valor, como las piedras preciosas. Todos sabemos sus nombres porque se arriesgan a remar titánicamente contra la marea . No los citaré, ellos se reconocerán entre mis gratitudes.
Y dedicado a una querida persona como si esto fueran aquellos programas de la radio de nuestra infancia y a solicitud suya estos dos videos.
Uno elaborado por los amigos argentinos de la Universidad de Tel Aviv.
Y el Hatikva cantado por Bárbara Streisand y su conversación con Golda Meir con motivo del 30 aniversario
miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008
El nacimiento de un nuevo estado: "A country is born"
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Neguev and me
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¡Felicidades, Israel!
Shalom ubrajá.
And a nice article con "shalom", from the Jerusalem Post:
Oct 18, 2007
Glamour of Grammar: Shalom aleichem
That ancient Hebrew word, variously meaning "hello," "good-bye" and "peace," seems a fitting way to inaugurate this column on the glamour of the grammar.
Related to shalem ("complete"), the greeting includes hopeful notes of tranquility and completeness. The root of the word, sh-l-m, also gives us l'shalem, "to pay," because you complete a (legal) transaction by paying for what you have taken; and l'hashlim, "to complete," or, as high-school students know, to make up missed work.
The official hourly Hebrew news broadcasts from the Voice of Israel begin shalom rav, that is "great peace," but also "hello." (During the Second Lebanese War, some broadcasters dropped the word rav in a subtle nod to the violence and to the national state of unease that it caused.) A more traditional greeting is longer: shalom aleichem, "peace be upon you." It comes ready made with a built-in response: aleichem shalom, "upon you be peace," or the slightly more formal va'aleichem hashalom, "and upon you be the peace." But when Israelis greet one another on the streets of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, it is not shalom or a longer variation of it, but rather the colloquial ahalan that is most often heard.
Ahalan, borrowed directly from Arabic, comes from ahal, one of many words for "family." (The cognate Hebrew word, ohel, means "tent," that is a place where a family lived.) What better greeting could be offered to a weary desert traveler than to be welcomed into the protective shade of a tent or the warm company of family. Indeed, Abraham is known for his generosity in welcoming strangers into his family tent. And though tents are now rare in Israel, the cordial greeting pays homage to a form of ancient hospitality. Some speakers add wasahlan, "and to the plain," perhaps contrasting with, say, rocky mountains, and therefore alluding to a place of comfort. A loose translation of the pair might be, "make yourself at home" and "make yourself comfortable."
Saying good-bye is more difficult. While the traditional shalom is one possibility, much more common is the Hebrew equivalent of au revoir, l'hitra'ot, "to see each other." There's no "re-" prefix in Hebrew, but the point is clear. It's like a more formal version of "see ya." Curiously, this expression is used even on the radio, a medium that does not allow people to see each other.
In this regard the radio is like the telephone, but that device has its own set of niceties. The most common response to a ringing phone is the somewhat vague alo - that's AH-lo, unlike the European ah-LO - though shalom is on the rise, particularly in business settings.
What about ending a phone conversation? The formal shalom is still a possibility, but, surprisingly, l'hitra'ot is insufficient. It is almost always followed by the redundant bye: l'hitra'ot bye. And of late, a more urgent phrase of departure has taken hold: yalla bye.
Yalla, also from Arabic, means roughly "let's go," or, with a more stern intonation, "get a move on." Its introduction to the traditional end of a phone conversation in Israel is akin to concluding with, "Well, it's been nice, but enough of this jabbering on the phone. We both have more important things to do. Bye."
Correspondence presents its own set of vocabulary. The formal greeting in a business letter is lichvod ("to the honor of"), which has as little to do with honor as "dear" has with endearment in English. Even a letter accusing a scoundrel of corruption begins with "to the honor of..." The most common written conclusion in Israel nicely matches the opening: b'chavod, "with honor." But, again, it's an expression; it really just means "my name comes next."
Diaspora Jews, though, like the idea of beginning and ending with peace. "Shalom so and so" is a fine way to start. B'shalom, "with peace," might be a fitting conclusion, but the Babylonian Talmud (Moed 29a) warns that b'shalom is only to be used of the dead or dying and that l'shalom is to be preferred for the living. (It's a long story.) So traditional Jews are stuck with l'shalom, which, frankly, sounds a little silly in modern Israeli Hebrew.
And what about the proper way to end a newspaper column? Surely something elegant ought to be available, but I've already overrun my 700 word limit.
(The writer teaches at HUC-JIR in New York City.)
Todos debemos felicitarnos estimada Neguev. Apretar los dientes y los puños, enfrentarnos al aun incierto futuro con la misma ilusión con la que se enfrentó Zippy. A todos nos corresponde poner nuestro granito de arena para que la esperanza permanezca.
Hag Pesaj sameaj
08/05/2008 |
El presidente alemán, Horst Köhler, celebró que haya de nuevo en Alemania "vida judía"
El derecho de existencia de Israel es clave en la política alemana
El presidente alemán, Horst Köhler, afirma que el derecho a la existencia del Estado de Israel es y seguirá siendo un elemento fundamental de la política alemana.
Con motivo del sesenta aniversario de la fundación del Estado de Israel, Köhler destacó el compromiso de Alemania con este país "en el pasado y en el futuro".
En ese sentido, anunció la creación de un foro común, en colaboración con el presidente, Shimon Peres, para acercar a jóvenes alemanes e israelíes.
"Queremos reforzar la base de nuestras ya de por sí estrechas relaciones y consolidarlas para el futuro", explicó Köhler, quien manifestó que esas relaciones "se basan en la confianza", pese a los crímenes del Holocausto y a los "miles de asesinatos de judíos perpetrados por Alemania".
Señaló que no se puede "mirar hacia otro lado" sino procurar mantener "viva" la memoria y seguir transmitiéndola y declaró que la población y los responsables políticos deben elevar la voz contra la negación del Holocausto, la intolerancia, el racismo y el antisemitismo.
Köhler celebró que haya de nuevo en Alemania "vida judía" que, según dijo, ha sido durante siglos un componente básico de la cultura germana.
El presidente aseguró que su país está comprometido con el derecho de los israelíes a vivir en una situación de paz y seguridad, para lo que considera básico el fin de la violencia en Oriente Próximo.
"El camino hacia la paz pasa por una solución de dos Estados, que garantice la existencia y la seguridad de Israel y que incluya un Estado palestino viable, con fronteras reconocidas y una buena relación de vecindad con los israelíes", agregó.
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