
sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008

Censos y Genocidios


Preliminary results of the Palestinian census indicate that there are 3.76 million Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. 2.345 million live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.....

The census results certainly do not support the idea that Israel is committing "genocide" against the Palestinian Arabs, as is argued by anti-Zionists, nor do they provide evidence of any ongoing "humanitarian crisis." There are more Palestinian Arabs in the territories than there ever were in recorded history, and together with the 1.4 million Arab citizens of Israel, they number about five million. Palestinian Arabs have one of the highest population growth rates in the world...

Ami Isseroff


En entradas anteriores nos hacíamos eco de la noticia sobre el nieto de Ghandi y unas controvertidas declaraciones que vertía en un artículo acerca del Holocausto y la identidad judía. Este es el artículo en el blog alojado en el Washington Post( ON FAITH). Mas de 450 comentarios levantaron la polémica y provocaron el desenlace: Su dimisión al frente de una institución por la paz.

Wikipedia pone en boca Arun Ghandi las siguientes declaraciones

"In the Washington Post Online Mr. Ghandi blamed "Israel and the Jews" for being the "biggest players" in international violence [3]. This clearly ignores larger degrees of violence around the world in areas such as Africa, Iraq, and India."

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